Terribly funny. When are you going to update the Jonny Depp standoff from Arsenal's Highbury days? No doubt, the Emirates' the directors box serve cocktails so Keir could order a lager Guinness bitter and tonic (LGBT)?

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Good memory Simon. That was my belt buckle getting caught in the rather large gap between Vanessa Paradis' front teeth if I remember rightly. Happier times for Johnny. LGBT LOL, very Sir Keir.

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Great stuff! Remember the old adage - oppositions don’t win elections, governments lose them. As in 1997 the Tory government has become so weak and divided that all Labour have to do is keep their dissidents locked away, avoid any policy hostages to fortune and try to look vaguely respectable..... Not as easy as it sounds, but the Tory party is now so divided it is making Starmer’s job fairly easy!

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